Occupational Therapy for Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy refers to a condition that results from damage to the peripheral nerves. These nerves are responsible for transmitting signals between the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body, including muscles, organs, and skin. When these nerves are damaged, it can lead to a variety of symptoms.


There are several different types of peripheral neuropathy including;


Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy can include; 

Risk Factors

The risk factors for Peripheral Neuropathy include age, smoking, cancer and tumours, vascular disorders, liver or kidney disorders and genetics.


Common symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy include; 

Occupational Therapy Specialism

Occupational Therapists who specialise in assessing and treating people who have Peripheral Neuropathy are based in a branch of Occupational Therapy called Neurorehabilitation.

Common Difficulties associated with Peripheral Neuropathy 

Peripheral neuropathy refers to damage or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. This condition can result in a variety of symptoms and difficulties. Here are some common difficulties associated with peripheral neuropathy:

Pain and Discomfort

Sensory Changes

Motor Impairment

Balance and Coordination Issues

Gait Abnormalities

Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction

Sleep Disturbances

Emotional Impact

Impaired Reflexes

How can Occupational Therapy help?

Occupational therapy (OT) can be beneficial for individuals with peripheral neuropathy by addressing the functional limitations and challenges they may face in their daily lives. Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves, leading to symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness, which can impact a person's ability to perform everyday activities. Here are several ways in which occupational therapy can help individuals with peripheral neuropathy:

Activity Modification

Sensory Reeducation

Joint Protection Techniques

Balance Training

Customized Exercise Programs

Assistive Devices

Pain Management Techniques

Energy Conservation

Education and Coping Strategies