Occupational Therapy for Pressure Sores

Common Difficulties associated with Pressure Sores

Pressure sores, also known as pressure ulcers or bedsores, are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. They often occur in areas where bones are close to the skin surface, such as the heels, ankles, hips, and tailbone. Common difficulties associated with pressure sores include:

Pain and Discomfort

Delayed Healing



Necrosis (Tissue Death)

Systemic Infections

Reduced Mobility

Psychological Impact


How can Occupational Therapy help?

Occupational therapy (OT) plays a crucial role in the prevention and management of pressure sores (also known as pressure ulcers or bedsores). Pressure sores often develop when there is prolonged pressure on specific areas of the body, leading to reduced blood flow and tissue damage. Here's how occupational therapy can help:

Assessment and Monitoring


Assistive Devices

Mobility and Range of Motion Exercises

Positioning Techniques

Skin Care

Activity Modification

Assessment of Home and Work Environments

Collaboration with Other Healthcare Professionals