Occupational Therapy for Sensory Disturbances

Common Difficulties associated with Sensory Disturbances

Sensory disturbances can significantly impact a person's daily life and pose various challenges across different aspects. Here are some common challenges associated with sensory disturbances:

Disruption of Daily Activities

Social Challenges

Communication Difficulties

Emotional Impact

Educational and Occupational Challenges

Safety Concerns

Limited Participation in Activities

Sleep Disturbances

Difficulty in Regulating Emotions and Behavior

Impact on Relationships

How can Occupational Therapy help?

Occupational therapy (OT) can be highly beneficial for individuals experiencing sensory disturbances. Sensory disturbances can manifest in various ways, including hypersensitivity (over responsiveness) or hyposensitivity (under responsiveness) to sensory stimuli such as touch, sound, sight, taste, or smell. Occupational therapists use a client-centered and holistic approach to address sensory disturbances and help individuals improve their ability to participate in daily activities. Here are some ways occupational therapy can assist with sensory disturbances:

Sensory Integration Therapy

Environmental Modifications

Sensory Diet

Behavioral Strategies

Fine and Gross Motor Skills Development

Collaboration with Caregivers and Educators

Social Skills Training

Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology